Tae Kwon Do Teachings

When you think about the benefits of putting your child in an after-school martial arts program, you’re probably thinking primarily about the physical benefits. Activities like Tae Kwon Do encourage regular exercise and movement, which can keep your child fit and active.

What you may not realize is that Tae Kwon Do is far more than a physical practice. It also has its own martial arts philosophy that can shape your child’s beliefs and values in a positive way.

What are some of the most important Tae Kwon Do teachings and how can they benefit your child? Read on to unlock the philosophical teachings of Tae Kwon Do.

Physical and Emotional Self-Control

Tae Kwon Do requires students to learn how to react to the unexpected while pinpointing their opponent’s vulnerability. Practitioners learn a variety of self-defense strategies, but also how to remain calm and calculated at all times.

This, in turn, instills a sense of physical and emotional self-control that many children don’t have. Students don’t just react to everything that comes their way without thinking. They evaluate their options and potential consequences before making a balanced decision.

Courtesy and Respect

Tae Kwon Do is built on a foundation of courtesy and respect for others, from instructors to fellow students. Even in sparring, students learn to honor their opponent. Students actively practice showing signs of respect in the dojo by bowing and addressing their instructors with respect.

What students learn from this practice is that respect should never hinge on status or success. No matter the outcome of any match, both students will walk away respectfully.

Perseverance in the Face of Challenges

Children who practice Tae Kwon Do will often face challenges in a safe and encouraging environment. For example, they may encounter Tae Kwon Do techniques they struggle to master or lose a sparring match. With the support of their instructors and peers, they’ll learn that failure is nothing but an opportunity to learn.

Over time, this fosters perseverance in children from a young age. They learn the value of resilience and see firsthand what they can overcome if they keep trying.

Integrity and the Importance of Ethics

While the exact history of Tae Kwon Do is hard to pin down, many trace it back to the Hwa Rang So soldiers of ancient Korea. According to Taekwondo-guide, these soldiers practiced the ethical standards of Buddhist monks. Unsurprisingly, these ethics are still present in Tae Kwon Do today.

One of the key elements of this philosophy is to demonstrate integrity at all times, even when challenged. This trait allows children to not only grasp the difference between right and wrong but also act accordingly.

The Indomitable Spirit

By perfecting and exhibiting their physical skills, students of Tae Kwon Do learn the value of moving through life with courage. Even if they’re nervous, they must confront the challenges they face in the dojo head-on, rather than backing down.

Sticking with a practice like Tae Kwon Do sharpens physical fitness and mental discipline. You’re bound to notice that your child develops an indomitable spirit that allows them to move through life with confidence and bravery.

How Tae Kwon Do Teachings Benefit Children

You now understand more about the emotional and mental discipline that children can gain from Tae Kwon Do lessons. Let’s take a look at the direct impact these Tae Kwon Do teachings can have on your child’s day-to-day life outside of the dojo.

Improved Academic Performance

Many of the values we’ve discussed above lend themselves to improved academic performance. For example, students who take Tae Kwon Do are likely to:

  • Show respect to teachers and peers, keeping them out of trouble
  • Practice integrity in their school work and claim only their own accomplishments
  • Persevere when met with difficult subjects or lessons

In fact, research published by the National Library of Medicine shows that students who succeed in Tae Kwon Do show success in the classroom, too.

Bolstered Self Esteem

Some parents worry that children with too much self-esteem may show signs of narcissism. However, research published in Child Development Perspectives found that narcissism requires a mix of fragility and superiority. Self-esteem, on the other hand, involves robustness and growth.

While learning Tae Kwon Do, students will develop a sense of inner strength and confidence. At the same time, they’ll learn the hubris of believing themselves to be superior to others. This leads to healthy levels of self-esteem without the risk of narcissism.

Strong Emotional Intelligence

In learning Tae Kwon Do, students learn to examine their own reactions and the reactions of others. As they develop emotional self-control, they often develop emotional intelligence. They recognize:

  • The impact emotions have on themselves and their peers
  • The connection between emotions and behavior
  • The value of not reacting from a place of emotional arousal

This kind of awareness can also increase social skills. Children with strong emotional intelligence bring compassion and understanding to their relationships. Oftentimes, their peers flock towards them and can learn from their positive influence.

Commitment to Physical Health

Students of Tae Kwon Do develop a strong commitment to physical health. Physical fitness training reveals the value of skills like strength and flexibility.

Tae Kwon Do can also help to promote a healthy body image. Martial arts don’t place excessive value on qualities like thinness. Instead, they teach practitioners to treat their bodies with respect and make choices that lead to good health.

Enroll Your Child in Carrollwood Blackbelt Academy of Tampa

Tae Kwon Do isn’t just about mastering self-defense strategies and sparring techniques. Students who participate in Tae Kwon Do will also benefit from classic Tae Kwon Do teachings. These lessons and values transcend martial arts and impact each student’s day-to-day life.

Carrollwood Blackbelt Academy is one of Tampa’s first martial arts after-school programs. Since 1999, we’ve revolutionized childcare for Tampa families. Today, we offer renowned summer camps and after-school programs where students can learn karate, Tae Kwon Do, and more.

Ready to learn more? Read about our after-school programs and sign your child up today.

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